Search for tag: "soort"

Introduction video Xplora - English

During your time at Avans you'll need to look up lots of content to help you with your studies. This video shows you what can be found on our digital learning platform like acces…

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From  Catherine Francis 0 likes 32 plays 0  

Introduction LG Finding information IB

This short video shows what can be found in the LibGuide 'Finding information' for International Business students.

From  Catherine Francis 0 likes 13 plays 0  


ronchi en wheezing

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From  Leendert Tissink 0 likes 631 plays 0  

Thema 1.5 Soorten informatiesystemen (1)

Dit is de vijfde video in de serie voor Informatiesystemen 1.

From  Marice Bastiaensen 0 likes 622 plays 0